Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Trendy catch phrases and cliches among the business douchebag set

Yea bro, we're feeling so "bullish" about this new offering. There is so much "meat on the bone", so much "low hanging fruit"--I've been "championing" this thing all the way up the line. I mean, "at the end of the day" we are going to be "killing it!" "crushing it!""drinking so much kool aid!""putting more feathers in our quill!!"

Now lets go hit the gym, get our balls waxed, grab a few cocktails at Marquee and rape some chicks.


  1. I think my favorite things about your posts other than the pure unadulterated hatred is these pictures. They really bring what you hate to life, and subsequently make me hate it as well. Keep up the good work!

  2. My favorite part is usually the last line. You have really been "crushing it" when you "put these topics to bed."... like "gangbusters."
