aka "Beantown" aka Suckville. Boston. Boston, Boston, Boston.... How are you such a terrible city? Is it your incredibly obnoxious sports fans? Maybe your bougie, holier than thou, upper class smartypants fuckface population? Could it be the blue collar assholes that want to fight you? Maybe its the sheer lack of diversity that makes everyone think they are king asshole of the world? Well this I do know: Boston, you can go fuck yourself. Seriously.
Hate your accent. Hate the Red Sox fans who used to be cool, and now are worse than Yankees fans. Hate the Patriots, hate Tom Brady. Hate how fucking white you are. Are the only black dudes in Boston on the Celtics? Hate the city layout. Hate paninis, expensive coffee and cashmere. Hate colonial re-inactments. Hate those stupid hats.Aerosmith--some of your songs are cool. Clam chowder is cool. Everything else sucks. Fuck you Boston.
omg. yes. especially the part about paninis and cashmere. i moved south and got rid of mountains of stupid uncomfortable sweaters.