Wednesday, February 1, 2012

people on cell phones behind home plate, waving to their friends

This is long, long, long overdue. In fact I'm surprised Major League Baseball has not done anything to control such a fucking shitshow already. These people with their cell phones behind home plate. The frantic waving. "I am on TV". Fuck them.

Easy rule, MLB: post a sign as you enter the section that says "no cell phone waving. no waving. no wave". You get one warning, and then you're tossed out of the game. Plain and simple. That clears up about as much of the jackassery as I can think of, making the game that much more enjoyable for everyone there, and the millions of viewers across the globe. Don't let a couple of fucking idiots ruin it for everybody.

"Im at the game, do you see me?" (maybe Ill stand up and block everyone behind me) "How about now?"(arms waving like they are on fire). Get the fuck out of the stadium now. Leave you fucking asshole, just leave, and everyone will have a normal relaxing time without your dumbass.

girls with fake mustaches

What is this thing? Why do girls think this is "funny"? I guess its sort of funny imagining guys walking around with huge tits but do I strap them to my chest and do it? No.

The girls-that-love-to-wear-fake-mustache thing has to stop. They wear them with their best friend. They wear them with a top hat. "I'm Daniel Day Lewis!"Not funny.

Ohh maybe they'll get the little ones on their finger so they can hold it up and BOOM--mustache! Dumb.

You want to wear a mustache? Get a sex change or join the theatre.